
Course Description

If you are 25 years of age or younger, and have a traffic citation, this class is for you! Here you will learn the root causes behind your driving behavior, and what you can change to become a safer driver behind the wheel. Completion of this course may also help reduce the impact of a citation on your driving record. Be advised, this class is more about the behavioral psychology of driving, not a driving safety course.

This is NOT a drivers education course for those seeking a driver's license.


***Prospective students need not have been issued a citation or have been court-mandated into attendance in order to register for this class***  

Learner Outcomes

At the end of class, students will be presented with a special certificate issued through the National Safety Council (NCS). This certificate may then be presented to the courts, an insurance company, and/or another legal entity representing the area where a student received their citation as proof of successful completion which may then lessen the impact of an infraction on a student's driving record.


Certificates of Completion: Students will NOT be able to generate or print a certificate of completion through their personal portal for this course as they will be presented with a special certificate issued by the National Safety Council (NSC) at the conclusion of the class.

High School/Minor Students: If you are currently enrolled in high school AND/OR are 17 years of age or younger wishing to register, you will need to do so by contacting the Student Care Team at (336) 734-7718 as certain restrictions may apply.


Maximum Age Restriction: You must be 25 years old or younger to sign up for this class. Students above this age limit will need to enroll in Defensive Driving (4 Hours) [SEF-3001D4] or Defensive Driving (8 Hours) [SEF-3001D8] based on their individual circumstances. 

PLEASE CHECK BACK LATER: New sections of this course should be available for registration soon.

For questions, please contact our Student Care Team at 336-734-7718.

Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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